Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow, Snow and More Snow!

My first full day on the hill! Theme of the day - snow! It started to snow about 10:00 am - didn't let up all day - the fog went up and down the mountain - sometimes you could see a lot - other times - not so much!

I was up at 5 am, walked to the shuttle (about a 15 minute walk) and rode the shuttle down to Creekside - really easy - ate some breakfast and picked up my bag lunch (very good and FREE). I had some extra time so I sat and watched all the athletes walk by me on their way to the lift - very cool! Got on the Gondola at 7:15 - went up to the top of the course to find out what we would be doing - we had to move snow in the top half of the course. Large metal rakes and shovels are used - it is a slow process! By about 9:30 they started to send the forerunners (used to check the course and timing) - then they sent 2 racers - the second girl fell on the bottom half of the course (she is OK). The fog was getting to be quite bad so they put a hold on the race - waiting to see if the weather would improve. The weather actually got worse so by about 11:00 the cancelled the race for the day. The men managed to train today - all the athletes got in a training run.

The afternoon was spent getting lunch, waiting to hear what to do, reporting to the top of the course, waiting to hear what to do, taking the snow off the safety netting on the side of the course, waiting to hear what to do... Lots of hurry up and wait today! Moving snow off a race course - especially a speed course is very tough and time consuming - it requires a lot of people! With more snow forecasted it will be a tough few days.

Interesting fact of the day: What I keep in my pack while on the hill: rain poncho (great for sitting on as well), extra socks and gloves (I have light and heavy), head lanmp for early mornings and late nights, crampons, lunch, water, sunglasses (just in case), chocolate (for an emergency) and other stuff...

Tomorrow I have to be ready to go up the Gondola at 5:30 AM - will need to be up at 4:00!!! Forecast is for 15 cm tonight and another 15 cm tomorrow afternoon - my back feels sore already! Need to go to bed!


  1. I am lovin' your blog! I check in every morning with my cuppa joe. Reading in the media about the ladies training runs, and then to know you're part of it, and getting the bird's eye view from you! It's so cooooooool. thanks so much Jane!

  2. Love the photos and the fact that you have chocolate for an emergency! I like those kind of emergencies!Be strong Janie Mac you can beat the snow!

  3. reading with great interest, I am happy you are there.
